Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cough, Cough...

I'm still trying to shake the cough.   It would probably help if I rested and took care of myself.   Maybe I just want to see how long I can drag the cold out?  See how many people I can annoy with my cough?  See how fast I can clear out a room by having a coughing fit?

Newton and I have been taking long walks after dinner.  I might be making him walk too fast (he will be 10 next month).   I have my coughing fits on the path, too, incase you're wondering.  That just means I get the whole path to myself.  I haven't had anyone ask if I need help or a drink of water.  I think I may need some more practice.  It's an art.

On our walk last night, there was a trail of gummy bears on the path.  (where I live they call them "trails" or "paths"  we don't have sidewalks)  It makes you wonder who would just drop their gummy bears on the path?  Was it on purpose?  An accident?

So, I envisioned a small child, thrown into the back of a wagon and given gummy bears to keep him/her quiet.  "Here, eat these."  And the parent started pulling the wagon along the path.  The child starts thinking, hey, maybe if I drop some gummy bears on the path we will be able to find our way back home. 

I went for a walk tonight and brought the camera (because, the time I want to take a picture, of gummy bears on the path, a very exciting picture,  and, I don't have my camera) and the gummy bears are gone!  I hope they found their way back home.  Maybe the big bad wolf found them?  

Maybe someone had a coughing fit on the path and needed a lozenge and saw the bears?