Friday, May 4, 2012

Tasso's for lunch

Yes, more Greek food! 

Of course, I wasn't feeling good and wasn't that hungry.  Apparently I now have "the cold."  The one that Bella did not get (she just got the ear infection).  She woke up all bright eyed and bushy tailed.  Dancing around, smiling.  I was all groggy because I couldn't sleep and felt sick all night.  Don't worry, I've loaded up on vitamin's and hope to be much better tomorrow.

Being sick and all and no appetite, I ordered soup.  Avgolemeno soup to be exact.  (translation:  Egg lemon soup)  Good.  Not as good as my mom has made and not as good as Greek Islands (restaurant). 

Bella and I brought Nona in to see Kayla (my niece) who is going to North Central College.  We went to eat and then walked on back to see Kayla's apartment.   My brother decided to tag along (probably for the free lunch and to terrorize his niece). 
outside Kayla's apartment

Do you think the guy could get a little further away and take the picture?  I can't see the entire wall and ceiling.  I would also like to see a little more table, too. 

My brother terrorizing his niece. 
Look how normal Bella looks in the picture.  I think she tries to ignore him.

hanging on Kayla's couch.  Soon to be Nick's couch if he keeps missing that bus!
Too bad, Kayla is graduating this year

We chilled at the apartment for awhile.  It was good for them to hang with their grandmother (and deal with me, the sick one)  I don't think Bella wanted to leave.   She likes hanging with her cousins.  I think we will have to go to Sugar Monkey Cupcake one more time with Kayla before she graduates.