Sunday, January 4, 2015

Week of Organizing: Day 1: Night Stand

I thought I would start off the year with a clean slate and a (somewhat) organized life.  I'm not the most organized person and with working so much last month, I think things were just getting put anywhere and everywhere.  I don't like the disorder and I didn't have the time or energy to fix it.  I thought this would be a great way to start off the new year.  Get organized and try to stay that way (so disorganization and messes don't happen).  And, what better place to start than:  the night stand.  Hey, it's the spot next to where you start and finish your day (well, if you sleep in your bed every night?)  And, we have to start somewhere, right?

I always wondered why it was called a night stand.  I had to search and find out.  Here is what wikipedia has to say:

nightstand,[1] alternatively night table or bedside table, is a small table or cabinet designed to stand beside a bed or elsewhere in a bedroom. It serves the role of a coffee table[2] during nighttime hours, at a person's bedside.Before indoor flushing toilets became commonplace, the main function of a nightstand was to contain a chamber pot. As a result, early nightstands were often small cabinets, sometimes fitted with a drawer, and usually containing an enclosed storage space below covered by one or more doors. Another term sometimes given to such cabinets was commode.

Okay.  Just so we all know that my night stand is just to hold some essential items and that we have a separate indoor bathroom for all of that other stuff.

Okay...  Let's continue, shall we?

This organization activity should take you about 15 minutes (unless you plan on studying every. single. item.)  Go ahead, set the timer.  I dare ya'!

I have the essentials in the drawer.
lip balm
hand lotion
notepads and pen*
book mark (I had about 5 in there and pared it down to two)
Vick's nasal stick (just in case I can't never know)

*to write down all of those great idea's in the middle of the night
I think I need a little light so I can see what I'm writing.

On my nightstand:
a sock owl (it's so cute!)
rose (from Nick)
a bee (from B, I mean Bella)
a coaster (for my water glass)

I should have taken the before picture.  For some reason I had blank note cards and a glue stick in my drawer.  You know, for those nights I can't sleep and feel like making pretty cards for everyone.  Doesn't everyone do that?

So, what did you find in your nightstand?

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