Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Deciphering blogs and their bloggers

I like blog hopping (reading other people's blogs).  I find it interesting to see what they write about on their blog.

If you keep up with the same blog for awhile, they start to get personal.  Maybe talk a little about a struggle they are dealing with or a little about their family life.  Stay a little longer reading their blog and you will find that they have ways of making your life a lot easier.  Tips and tricks.  Of course, if you search their tips/tricks on Google, you will find that there are hundreds of other blogs out there doing the same thing.

The majority of the blogs out there do tons and tons of crafts.  Every day they are trying to make something and blog about what they have made.   I follow a few of these blogs.  I admit, like to get my craft on every once in awhile. But, I limit my craft making to things that will get used around the house (or will entertain a young child).

The thing that has been bugging me for quite some time though, is, what do they do with all of the stuff that they have made?  If you are making a craft five days a week, fifty two weeks a year, where are they putting all of these items?  Do they have really big houses?  Big storage lockers to hold all of the crafty items they have made over the years.  Pulling out bins of crafts that they have made for each holiday, and adding another twenty or thirty a year to each bin?  I envision a house FULL of stuff that the person has made.

Making all of these crafts can get quite expensive.  Sure, you can get items from the dollar store, but, you are still spending money.  And you are accumulating tons of stuff.  (Hopefully they are participating in the 40 bags in 40 days. Now is a great time to purge, folks!)

I understand these bloggers are posting about their spin on ideas that are already out there, with the hopes of gaining a follower or two.  But, is it worth it?  All of the extra money you are putting out (to make a craft) and then having to store it?  What are they gaining (besides stuff) by doing all of this extra work?

I know I shouldn't worry about it.  I'm not the one spending the extra money and storing lots of stuff.  I should be happy that I get to read about what they have done and just move on with my (clutter free) life.

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