Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I joined a bunco group.

For those of you who don't know what bunco is, let me try to explain. We play with 12 people. Three tables of four. You are partners with the person across from you. Three dice. You take turns rolling the dice. First game you roll ones.  You count the ones that are rolled for the team. When you get to 21 you yell "bunco!"  That ends that round. Then you switch partners (or tables) and move on to twos, and so on.  If you get three of the number that you are rolling (if you are on ones and you roll three ones) that's a bunco. Automatic 21 points. If you roll three of a number (say three 5's) and you are on ones, that is a mini bunco worth 5 points.

We play two full rounds (1-6) when we play.  It's a fun game and its all luck based. I mean, you are at the mercy of the dice. 

We play with real money. $20 gets you a spot. The money then gets divided up at the end of the night into three places: 1st place with the most points, 2nd place and lowest number of points. 

So, we have had three bunco parties and I have won all three times. Yea. Go figure. RT said I should start playing the bunco circuit with my luck. I come home with more money than I left. It's a sweet thing, but it's hard to explain.  The other ladies have been joking around with me. Teasing me that I have won every game.  (at least I hope it's teasing)  

I guess it's good to know that I have another career to fall back on if this toy store gig falls through. 

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