Monday, June 3, 2013

Spam Readers on Blogger

I did a little research on spam on a blog. 

When I go to my Stats to see who is visiting my blog, I keep getting  people from (don't click on the links):

I did a little research to find that these are spam links.  These spammers have nothing better to do than to bother us little people and our blogs while trying to drive traffic to their own site or blog.  If they do appear under your stats, do not click on them.  It's spam.  I'm not sure what they can do to your computer (IE cookies, etc).  There is more information on that, just do a search.

I do appreciate them (spammers) joining me and looking at my blog.  I do want to thank them for giving me a post for today and building me up in the ranks by getting me to blog about them. Now if they could give me some blog love with my ad links.

There is a lot of information out there about spammers.  Just remember when you go to look at your stats to see who is visiting your blog, not to click on those links.

I have updated this post HERE with some more spam links.  Check them out.  Maybe they are appearing in your blog dashboard, too.


  1. Excellent advice. Never click on the links in your stats. If you're curious, google them. That's how I got here!

    1. Glad to hear that you looked it up before you clicked!

  2. I got here the same way that morbid morag did! I just started my blog (seriously anyway) about two months ago and I also have had these same "bloggers" continually visiting my blog. Yes, while it does make it look like your blog has readers, it also makes you wary of anyone visiting unfortunately. Happy blogging! I do an art/creativity blog.

  3. i am glad i google before clicking on kmzack
