Monday, June 10, 2013

Blood Blister

Apparently, Blogger is having problems updating posts.  I just made an update to this post that was written about a month ago.  Usually, the post just updates the information leaving the post on the day that it was written/posted.  This time, Blogger decided to publish this today.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  :)

When I hear those words it makes me want to throw up.

Yesterday, when I was out running my million hundred errands (am I the only one that feels like I have all of these errands to do?) I had to put something in the back seat.  I used the sliding door (on the ghetto van).  Yes, the door that doesn't always work.  Got in the car and drove away. About thirty seconds into my drive the bell starts ringing to signal that the door is open. I get to the traffic light (it's red), put the can in park, hop out and open and close the back sliding door. Convenient because its on the drivers side. Unfortunately, when I did this, the car handle pinched the skin on my pinkie (ouch!).  I get in the car and am in a little pain. I Look and blood is pooling under my skin. I didn't think anything of it (well, it really, really hurt, so I guess I did think about the pain and how the van isn't cool when it hurts me) until I asked RT about it. At this point I thought I was going to die. RT said that it was a blood blister (ugh. Skin crawling, feeling nauseous) and I would live.

I did a little research on blood blisters to find out if I should do anything (like, just cut off my finger because it hurts so bad) and everything tells you to ice and elevate it right away. That would have been helpful had I known this when it happened.  This (blood blister care) is something that should be taught at an early age. 

 I didn't ice or elevate my hand and it is still throbbing.  I did a little more online research (I think the online search is not a good thing. You end up feeling worse than you are after reading all the symptoms of what you "might" have.). Of course this research led me to think that my blood blister (ick!) might be infected (double ick!) 

I'm hoping I am wrong and it just goes away.   If not, my posts might take a little longer to type with only four fingers on one hand.

UPDATE:  My blood blister has disappeared (YAY!).  It hurt for a little, then just looked bad for awhile, then the skin started to slowly heal and the blood blister started going away (falling off).  The last of it is off and my pinky looks great!

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