Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tooth Fairy

We just had a visit from the tooth fairy last night.  She left Bella a $1.00 coin.

I still don't know how the tooth fairy gets in the house.  And, what does she do with all of those teeth?  Bella thinks the tooth fairy is really small.  If she is so small, how does she carry all of these teeth?

When Nick first had a loose tooth, I remember RT trying the string and door knob trick (tie it to the tooth, other end on the door knob, then shut the door).  That didn't work.  Then RT got his pliers (yes, his pliers) (no, not clean ones) and yanked the tooth out. (I was never around to see this - by choice)  Nick didn't care.  He just wanted to tooth out.

Bella, on the other hand, cried when it was time for her first tooth to come out.  She was excited when it was loose, but that all changed when it was time to come out.  RT had to tell her that he just wanted to see how loose it was (I think it was just set there, because he pulled it out with no effort)  I should mention that he did bring out the pliers.  Bella took one look and said "No."   (I can't blame her.  I wouldn't want those pliers near my mouth!)

So, with every loose tooth, Bella is excited, but, will not wiggle the tooth or help the process go quickly.  She leaves the tooth in her mouth until it hurts and just needs to come out.

Luckily the tooth fairy wasn't busy (and had all of her brain cells) last night and remembered to swing on by for a little pickup.  (she has forgotten numerous times in the past.  She's not very reliable.  Hey, she's busy!)  Bella was quite pleased this morning at breakfast.

Thank you, Tooth Fairy!

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