Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gingerbread House cards

We've made it this far, you can do it!  I know you can!

I hope you are following along and actually making the crafts!  Let me know!  I'd love to hear from you!

Today we are making Gingerbread House cards.  You can find full instructions and a template here.  You will be happy to know that there is no glitter for this craft today. 

Today's Supplies:
Brown construction paper
Gingerbread house template (found at the above link)
Office supply stickers: reinforcement labels (white and colors), name labels (or plain rectangular labels), colorful dots (big and small)

Ok, let's get started.  Once you have cut out your template, trace the template onto the brown construction paper and then start cutting it out.

Once the paper is cut out, fold in the sides to make the doors.  We glued a square of white paper down on the inside area so we can use this as a card to send/give someone.  Next, cut your white rectangular label in half and put each half on the front flaps (this is going to be the door).
Next, cut the white reinforcement labels in half and start hanging them from the roof of the card

From here, you can then use your colorful labels to decorate the outside of the card.  We used various stickers that we had on hand.  (trying to stick to the round candy type look) (a few flowers and butterflies did grace our cards, but, only to make them even more beautiful)
I forgot to mention to put round dot stickers on the doors as handles.
Lookin' good!
Thanks for stopping by!

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