Friday, April 10, 2020

My Clock

It all started with my hair brained idea of painting my bed room (I'll go into more details about THAT  crazy  nightmare  idea in another post).   I got the paint, moved furniture, washed walls, unplugged my bed room clock (yea, I still have one....don't make fun of me!) taped (the trim) and got to work.  When I was finished for the day, I moved the furniture back and plugged in my clock.  I tried setting the clock but it just buzzed and flashed numbers.  RT told me that I'm going to have to buy another clock.

I think you remember my story about Old Faithful.   The clock that my dad recommended I purchase.  That was my $7.00 clock that lasted over 30 years.  I know.  I got lucky on that one, thanks to my dad doing the field work for me.  After that one died, it took me three weeks to finally take the plunge and buy a new one .  That was roughly three years ago.

How long do clocks last?  I feel like three years is not long at all.  Am I asking too much to buy a clock that lasts longer than three years?  I'm not asking for another 30 years, how about 5-10 years?

Once again, I'm on my own because my Dad isn't here to do the research and make his recommendations for a new clock purchase.   Since the stores are closed, I will have to do all of my research online and probably wait several weeks (or months) before I can get a new one.

Your prayers (and any recommendations) are desperately  needed at this time.

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