Monday, April 20, 2020

Food Line

Last week I went to the grocery store to pick up a few things.  I don't go that often, only when it's absolutely necessary (you know, after I've given myself a good pep talk).  To my surprise, there was a line in front of the store.  So, I did what any normal person would do, I hopped in line and waited.

While waiting in line, the image of a food line in Communist Russia came to mind.  People waiting in a long line for bread to feed their family.  The same people reaching the front of the line only to be told that there is no more bread available and the person thinking, "How am I going to feed my family?"

I realize these lines are supposed to keep us safe and healthy, but, they do create these not so nice  strange  weird  images in our brains.

During my time in line, I noticed an elderly couple walking up to the store.  They were having trouble walking and were leaning on one another.  They bypassed the line and just decided to walk into the store.  I think the majority of us in line were OK with them going ahead of all of us.

It's a weird time.  People hoarding food or other household items.  Stores running out of food or items, like toilet paper, and then there are the people who have to go without certain foods, household items or other necessities.  And, of course, people waiting in line to enter stores. 

I know that this is temporary and am thankful that there is enough food to feed everyone. 

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