Wednesday, April 8, 2020

My Weird Dog

Now that I have a little time on my hands (thanks a lot, Coronavirus!) I noticed that Pippen is very picky about his food.  When he starts to eat, he grabs some dog food in his mouth, eats a few pieces but spits the rest out onto the floor.  When he spits out the food, he acts like it tastes really bad.  I'm not even sure he knows he's doing this when he eats.  I think it has become a bad habit OR he thinks someone is trying to poison his food.

Well, we all know that someone is out there trying to poison his water.  You can click here to check this post out for a little back story on water bowl poisoning.  He is still a little weird about his own water bowl and sometimes refuses to drink out of it depending on who filled it last.

I thought he was doing great with food up until now.  Once I realized his spitting habit, I started thinking about Pippen and food.  Most dogs will take any snack or morsel that you give them.  Our last dog, Newton, would eat just about anything you gave him.  He would lick the kitchen floor clean after a meal.  We even had a cat that ate green beans and pizza.  And then there's Pippen.  Toss him a tortilla chip and he will sniff it, maybe lick it and then walk away.  He does the same with pretzels (of course, once I say this to someone, Pippen will automatically eat one from that person).  He will eat weird things like avocado or beans.  I like to say that he's vegan, but, he will eat meat.  He knows when RT makes sweet potatoes and eggs and will stare him down hoping to get a small taste. 

Pippen now has a time limit set for his meals.  If he does not eat during that time, his bowl is picked up.  Don't worry, he does get a second chance meal in the afternoon and, he isn't starving to death.  Somehow he decides that the food tastes better at the second serving and finishes his bowl.

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