Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Bagel Hoarder

When this whole quarantine started, it frightened a lot of people.  People got scared and they started hoarding toilet paper.  I'm not sure how that relates.  Fear somehow turning into hoarding massive amounts of toilet paper.  I must have missed the memo on the whole fear / toilet paper life lesson.  I was one of the few that did not purchase toilet paper until we were about one month into the quarantine (oh the horror!).  When I finally made my toilet paper purchase, we still had quite a few rolls of toilet paper left in our stockpile.  Here we are, six weeks in and we have 6-8 rolls left from our original stockpile (and the new rolls are left untouched).

I'm usually the designated grocery shopper in the family.  During the quarantine, it's been pretty much up for grabs.  OK.  That isn't true.  I have a running list that I keep on the side of the refrigerator.  It's out in the open for all to see and they can add items as we run out.  I recently found out that RT has been keeping his own secret  grocery list.  Unfortunately, these two lists never seem to get together for coffee  communicate and strange things happen, like, us ending up with four packages of bagels. 

Four packages of bagels can be reasonable if you are feeding an army  quite a few people.  Or, maybe everyone eats bagel sandwiches at every meal

I look at it as having too many bagels.  RT looks at it as being prepared (meaning, not having to run out to the store for food).  "We will never go hungry because we have four packages of bagels we can eat."  I'm thinking maybe we have moved to the part of the quarantine where everyone hoards bagels? 

By the way, if you need any bagels, let me know.  I may be able to set you up with a few hundred.

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