Monday, September 23, 2019

That one HUGE Thing I've Been Putting Off

Is there a project that you know that you have to do but you keep putting it off?  You get some free time and think, "Hey, maybe I should start this project now."  But, then you think about it and you decide to hold off and save it for another day?

I know I have been mentioning here and there about how I have been getting rid of things.  It's been a slow process for me.  Finding the time and actually just jumping in and doing it.

I don't want you to think that we are hoarders.  Well, maybe we are, in a way?  We do have quite a lot of storage space.  And, over the years, when we didn't know what to do with something, we decided to just, "put it in the attic."

Since both boys are away at school, I felt like this was the time to start being serious about this whole declutter campaign that I started.

RT was on board with me and my crazy idea  decluttering.  We kicked things off in the garage.  Once that area was done, it was our place to put everything that we wanted gone and out of our lives (garbage and recycling went in their respectable bins).

We decided to go through each room.  Of course, we left the boys rooms alone.  They got rid of some things before they moved out.  We made it through the majority of the house and quite a few things landed in the garage.

We decided to have a huge garage sale and donate the leftovers.

I think I was a lot more ruthless in letting stuff go.  After seeing what my parents saved and how we, the children, had to go through it all, I don't want to do the same thing to my children.

There are a few pockets where I still need to get to, but, overall, I feel pretty good about the state of things around here.

And, I know my children will thank me when I'm gone.

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