Monday, September 9, 2019

Being Vegetarian or Vegan does not cause Strokes

You are probably wondering why I would use this as a title for my blog post.  I mean, eating a vegetarian or vegan diet is healthy, right?  Why am I now more likely to have a stroke, just because I'm vegetarian?

I read an article that stated that Vegetarians are more likely to suffer from a stroke and not a heart attack.  Click here to read the article and then come back to this post and we can discuss it.

Don't worry.  I'll wait.

I understand not being prone to heart attacks.  At least the meat industry admitted to that fact.

If you look up causes of a stroke you will find:

High blood pressure
heart disorder
heavy or binge drinking
lack of exercise
use of illicit drugs (methamphetamine, cocaine)

Please note that "Being a vegetarian or vegan" is not one of the causes.  This list of causes was taken from Mayo Clinic website.

I do understand that there are some vegetarians and vegans out there that do not eat healthy.  They don't eat meat, but, maybe they frequent fast food restaurants.  Maybe they consider potato chips a vegetable.  Maybe a meal for them is a bag of Cheetos.  I do know a vegan that eats a lot of Oreos (because they are vegan).  I don't think there is anything healthy in an Oreo, but, apparently, it doesn't contain meat or animal products, so that means it's vegan.

Just because a food item is labeled vegan does not mean that it's healthy.  If you are going vegetarian/vegan, please do a little research.  Also, taking supplements for B12, D and omega 3 is a good idea, too (there are some food substitutes, check them out).

I think most people associate being vegetarian or vegan as being healthy.  This article is referring to those vegetarians and vegans that do not eat healthy (i.e. the Cheetos meal people).  Unfortunately, this article, which made the Bing homepage and was read by many, is giving the vegetarian / vegans a bad name.

It's articles like these that give false information to the public.  I thought a journalist (and medical community) would actually do their homework and give facts.

The article does state, briefly, that this was the first (and only) study and that a follow up should be done.

Unfortunately, the damage is done.  Most people didn't get that far down in the article to read that tidbit of information.  They most likely just read the title and will now tell every vegetarian/vegan that they meet about the stroke dangers they face.

Do your own research and don't believe every article you read.

OK.  I'll step down off my soap box.

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