Friday, September 6, 2019

Posing with a Coffee Cup

Have you noticed how more and more people are walking around with their coffee cup?  Maybe it's a Starbucks cup or a cup from Dunkin Donuts or some other off brand coffee house.  Maybe it's their own reusable coffee mug that they carry around town.

I'm not sure when this fashion  trend started.  Maybe when Starbucks opened and it was cool to walk around and show off your coffee purchase?  Or, maybe, let everyone know that you drink coffee?  Or, to let people know where you purchase your coffee?

I don't remember my parents driving around town, drinking coffee.  Wait, there was that one time my Mom drove me to school and she brought her white coffee mug with her in the car.  I don't even think the car had cup holders.  It was a coffee cup, not a travel mug.  It was early (my Mom was not a morning person) and it was really cold out.  Other than that one time, I don't recall my parent's driving around town, trying to find a place to get some coffee (that they could drink while driving).  I don't remember them showing up at sporting events,  parent teacher conferences or at doctor visits with their coffee in their hand.  Even when they went for a walk, they didn't have their coffee cup in their hand.  My parents did drink coffee in the morning (at home) or at night, after dinner.  They did,  order coffee if they went out to eat.  But, they drank the coffee there, at the restaurant.

Now, I'm not being judgy (I'm sure that's a word).  I drink tea.  Sometimes I bring my tea with me in my own portable mug.  I know there are situations where you have to have your tea or coffee.  I'm just asking you to take a look around you.  People watch.  And take notice of all of the people walking by you, clutching their beloved (Starbucks) (Dunkin' Donuts) (Peets) (off brand) coffee cup in their hand.  Take a look on social media.  A lot of pictures posted are with people holding their coffee.

This time in history will probably be referred to as the coffee cup time.

I'm not calling for action against the coffee clutchers.  I'm just telling you what I observe when I look around me.

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