Thursday, March 9, 2017

Time Management

I don't think my children have grasped the concept of time management.  It's not like I haven't talked about it while they were growing up.

We walk down to the bus at 7:44am to catch the bus that arrives at 7:50am.

If practice starts at 4:30, then we should be ready and in the car by 4:00.

We have done this (almost) everyday (different things and times) you would think they would understand to allow travel time to our destination.

Alex had to be at school at 5:30pm for a test and Bella had to be at dance at 6:00pm.  Of course, both of these locations are in opposite directions of our house.  At 5:00pm, I told Alex, "Let's go!"  He said, OK.  I grabbed my purse and bag (with my Handy Dandy Blog Notebook) and hopped into the car.  He came downstairs and I assumed was putting his shoes on.  Turns out he decided he was going to the bathroom.  It takes about 10-15 minutes to get to his school (depending on traffic).  This was a high traffic time since we have to drive by the train station.  When he finally got into the car, I had 15 minutes to make it to his school (I made it in 11 minutes an didn't speed).

It doesn't matter how many times I tell them to allow driving time, they move at the same pace (or slower than) a snail.  I really think my kids believe my car will magically transport them from our house to their desired destination in a minute.

Not sure how I can change that, except to continue my motivational talks (did someone say, YELL?) and my (daily) test on my car's horn.

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