Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Girl's Week

All good things must come to an end.
Even Girl's Week.
The boys returned late Saturday night (while we were finishing up our Bedazzling Nightmare).
It's ok.  Bella and I had fun during the week.  Besides the zoo and all of the other fun we listed, we did crafts, played lego's (Lego Friends), had some girl time, pool time, walks with Newton.  There was also lots of cleaning time (cleaned both boys rooms)(and survived) and, even had a chance to catch up on my sock mending.
yes, I mend socks
Newton helped 
Our garden is taking off, thanks to the rain we FINALLY got
the zucchini is taking off.  not sure if that is good or bad. 
I know we will have so much we won't know what to do with it.
Zucchini toothpaste, anyone? 
The temperature last Thursday, in the shade (a balmy 100F)
Almost forgot, we went to see the movie, Brave
that's us in the theater, before they told us to turn off your phone
My mom and brother, Steve, came over with some yummy spaghetti sauce

Bella took these pictures and had to include one of Newton

she also took another 20 pictures and videos and wore my battery down opening every app on there
The glitter and polish and frills have not been put away. 
We will still be our girly selves, just with boys around.

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