Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Back To School Supplies

It's that time of year.  A big one in retail.  Back to school (BTS) shopping.  I think every retailer hops on the bandwagon.  The stores tell us we need new clothes and shoes for school.  We also need a new car.  We can't let anyone see us in our old clothing and shoes or driving an old car.
One of the highlights of BTS time is shopping for school supplies.  Our schools offer a service where all you have to do is write a check and the new supplies arrive when school starts.  This year I boycotted this practice.  Why?  I'm glad you asked that question.
Every year my children come home at the end of the school year with a bag full of school supplies.  Supplies that were on their "must have" school supply list were coming home, unused.  They have us order our school supplies before the school year is completed.  This year I got Bella's list for first grade.  $47.00.  I thought, what is on this list that adds up to $47.00? 
3 paper folders, 1 plastic folder, 2 boxes of crayons, 1 package of markers, 1 package of colored pencils, scissors, glue, kleenex box, 8 jumbo glue sticks, 1" poly binder, school supply box and cleaning wipes.  Yea, I thought the same thing.  Where do you get $47.00 from that list?
And what about the supplies they came home with at the end of the last school year?  What am I supposed to do with those supplies?  Add them to my overflowing box of school supplies I have collected over the last 10 years?
So, I decided to boycott this craziness.  We live in such a wasteful society.  Why can't we use last year's crayons?  And why do we need two boxes?  I think 1 box of crayons should last a year, if not two.  And that school supply box, the one that I have 4 or 5 of at home, can be used again.  And that perfectly (almost) new box of colored pencils that belonged to Nick will do just fine for this year.
I refuse to give in to all this waste.  The ironic part is how the schools teach our kids to reuse and recycle.  How about reusing our school supplies another year? 
Maybe that should be one of the first lessons of the school year.
I know I can't change everyone's thinking.  I do feel is is something that we should take a look at and change our ways.
Ok, I'll step down off my soap box.

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