Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wait! Don't shoot!

I can't believe I'm writing this post.

Ok, I guess I can.  I mean, who else would this happen to?  The (scary) things that happen in my life probably just happen to me, right?  That's why I'm writing this blog.  I'm not sure why they happen to me.  Am I the only one that these things happen to?  Maybe I'm the only one that notices these things or has the nerve to write about them. 

So, tonight, the kids were all outside goofing around.  This means, terrorizing each other and the dogs.  Nick was hiding the parts to the slide so Bella couldn't use it.  Nick and Alex were going after each other.  I think sticks and bats were involved in that one. (yea, just another normal, typical day here)  Lots of screaming and crying going on (mainly Bella).

After dinner, Bella and Nick decide to have a squirt gun fight.  (Alex had basketball, so he was not involved)  Somehow, Bella didn't get a squirt gun, Nick had both big guns.  Bella dumped her water bottle on Nick.  Not sure how she managed that one (he's still ticked about it).  Bella ran inside and refused to go out again.  I can't blame her.  She changed her clothes and knew that Nick was mad and that he had two squirt guns.  Nothing good or happy could come of that situation.

I was going to make some cookies.  I went near our window and it smelled pretty bad.  How bad was the smell, you ask?  Like a really nasty bathroom.  Yea, I know.  Only me.  I realize that the screen was sprayed with "water" and that it smells.  The counter smelled, too.   I pulled the screen out and put it in the bathroom.  I then started cleaning the window and the counter.  I told Nick that it smelled bad.  He offered to help clean up.  Meanwhile, Pippen ran into the house and ran to his cage.  He looked terrified.  I went to see if he was ok and realized he smelled, too.  So, now the screen needs to be washed and so does the dog.

Nick offered to wash Pippen.  I helped him out. 

The story did come out.  Apparently, that wasn't water in one of the squirt guns.  I don't think I need to go any further.  Not sure how it happened or who did it.  Nick said he got the squirt guns from the garage and put some water in them.  He was surprised that there was some water in them already.  Water is the questionable word there. 

Yea.  I know, it's gross.  But, it's also kind of funny.  Well, except that I had to clean the window, screen, counter, floor, the tomatoes and peppers on the counter and the dog.

Someday, we'll all look back at this and laugh.

Ok, some of us will laugh. 

Some of us will still have that look on our face that says, "Ugh!  Why me?"

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