Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Texting Buddy

Everyone has (or should have) that one person that you can text weird, random things.  Maybe it's words or a picture.  Lines from a movie.  Something funny that always makes you laugh.  Or something stupid that you just did or that happened to you.

For some people, it's their spouse.  Others it's their best friend or co-worker.  I text lots of weird stuff. I've been known to take pictures of stuff in a store, the outside of a store, signs, my food, the mess I made, nature, cars, etc.  The list is endless.

In my case, my texting buddy is definitely not my husband, RT.  He never replies to my texts, so, why bother texting him?  He claims that he doesn't receive texts from me.  I then have to tell him about the text or read it to him.  If it's supposed to be funny, then, it's lost all humor at that point.

Do you have a texting buddy?

What are some interesting things you have texted?

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