Monday, June 4, 2012


Every other morning I go for a long walk on the paths.  Sometimes I see the same people everytime I walk.  You get to know which people will say hello to you (the regulars) and which people will ignore you. 

When I walk, I usually have my Ipod with me (ear bud in one ear).  Sometimes, if it's too cold, I have to have a headband over my ears.  For some reason, if my ears get too cold, I end up with a huge painful earache.  Yea, don't ask. 

A little over a week ago I decided to try a longer route.  I was about halfway through and felt like giving up when, on my Ipod, the theme from Rocky starts playing.  Well, you can't give up when that song is on.  Rocky didn't give up, did he?  No!  So, I kept going.  I get to another point and again I'm feeling like shortening the route and "Eye of the Tiger" comes on.  Another Rocky song. (yes, some weird songs.  Alex and I were into the Rocky movies last year and I had to put the songs on my Ipod)   I couldn't give up.  So, I kept going and finished.  It felt good that I completed the longer walk.  No one was there at my house cheering me on or throwing a parade for me.  (hint, hint)  But, I completed it and it felt good.

I had a neighbor come up from behind me and say hello.  Not sure how she recognized me.  Maybe she saw me as I glanced down the street I was crossing.  Or is my butt huge and recognizable?

The other day I found a penny on the path.  Another time I found three cents.  I figure I will be able to retire if I keep finding all of this change.  I might have to take longer walks tho, to achieve that goal.  (Patti, I'm coming to visit you!)  Ok, not sure if I would find much money on the highway.  Or maybe I could just walk by fountains.  I'll have to look for water shoes that coordinate with my head band.


  1. Google Maps said it should take you about six and a half days. I'm expecting you to be here by next Wednesday. Start walking! And no taking a break!

    1. I hope it will be more fruitful than my walk this morning. All I found was half of a pen.
