Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Fun National Days in April

 It's that wonderful time of the month!  The National Days of April!  Let's look ahead and mark these dates on the calendar so we can all celebrate together. 

Here we go:

April 1

National One Cent Day

The first issued one cent coin was made in 1787 and was designed by Benjamin Franklin.  On one side of the coin read, "Mind Your Business" while the other read, "We Are One."  The coin was made of 100% copper and was larger than the modern day penny.  Today is a great day to do a little research on the penny.  Or, you can wait until two cent day and give out your opinions all day.

It's also

National Sourdough Bread Day

This is a great day for your brother to make you a loaf of sourdough bread.  Hint, hint...

April 2

National Reconciliation Day

This day encourages us to repair relationships damaged by words or actions.   A great way to reach out and extend the olive branch.

April 4

National Walk Around Day

This sounded like an interesting day.  You can take this day literally and walk around things, like puddles or mud or you can walk around certain subjects with people.  What will you "walk around" today?

April 5

National Deep Dish Pizza Day

Great Day for a family pizza party.  

April 7

National No Housework Day

Great day to take the day off!  I'm sure I will probably cleaning.

It's also

National Walking Day

For me, everyday is national walking day.


National Beer Day

For those that like beer. (obviously not me)

And, finally

National Coffeecake Day

For the coffee lovers.  A little tasty treat to go along with your coffee!

April 9

National Cherish an Antique Day

A day to pay tribute to those old people in your life.. I mean appreciate the old furniture family heirlooms passed on to you.

it's also

National Name Yourself Day

A day for you to choose your own name.  Have you always wanted to know what it would be like to have a different name?  Today is a great way to try out that new name.  Make yourself a nametag with your new name.  Order coffee and give them your new name.  Let me know how this works for you.  I will celebrate by keeping my name and just using RT's name when ordering food or drinks.

April 10

National Encourage a Young Writer Day

A day to encourage Bella to keep up her writings.   

It's also

National Siblings Day

I still can't find that picture of my brothers dressed (I think) as my parents.  I know one of you has that picture.  I want it!

April 11

National Pet Day

A day to give Pippen  your pet lots of love. 

April 12

National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

I think I should be recognized on this day for having  made so many grilled cheese sandwiches for my kids over the years.

April 14

National Look up at the Sky Day

Sit back, relax and look up!  Enjoy the beautiful sunrise and sunset.  Don't forget to make a wish upon a star tonight.

It's also

National Reach as High as You Can Day

Everything (and everyone) is looking up today!  Make sure to make goals and reach high to achieve them.

April 15

National High Five Day

Sorry.  This day is cancelled.  No hand touching allowed.  Elbow bumps will be allowed.

It's Also

National Tax Day

I believe this is when taxes are due.  Unless you are RT, then, this is the day that you start your taxes.

April 16

National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day

Only to be followed by those who work at home today.  I wouldn't suggest doing this if you are working out in public.

April 19

National Garlic Day

Garlic, also known as the stinking rose, is a member of the lily family.  Garlic is used in many different cuisines.  It has also been used for medicinal purposes (cold remedy, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol).  And is believed to ward off vampires, witches and evil spirits.  How to celebrate today?  Eat a meal with garlic.

It's also

National Hanging Out Day

I originally thought this meant to hang out such as hang with some friends.  Apparently this day encourages the use of a clothesline.  Hanging your laundry outside to dry has many benefits such as, good for the environment, saves you money and your clothes smell fresher.   

April 22

National Earth Day

Great way to celebrate Mother Earth.  Do your part by recycling, composting, hey, maybe even plant a tree!

It's also, 

National Girl Scout Leader's Day!

Celebrate today by thanking a volunteer in the Girl Scout Program.  You can also share your experiences as a leader or experiences you have had as a Girl Scout Volunteer.  

April 23

National Talk Like Shakespeare Day

I think you can use some of these throughout the day, why not try it? 

"Oh, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" 
To be or not to be?   
Is this a dagger I see before me?
Now is the winter of our discontent
Get thee to a nunnery.
What's in a name?  A rose by any other name will smell as sweet.
Friends, Romans, Countrymen lend me your ears!

April 25

National Pet Parent's Day

I expect a card, Pippen!

April 26

National Pretzel Day

Great day to make soft pretzels or pretzel bites.  

April 30

National Honesty Day

This day encourages us to be truthful in everything that we do.  How to celebrate?  Answer all questions honestly.   This may prove difficult in some situations, especially with a partner, so I suggest that you have the phone number of your local florist on hand.

It's also

National Hairball Awareness Day

For those cat people out there, this is just a reminder that there may be a hairball somewhere on the floor.  Try not to step on it!  Thankfully, we don't have a cat.

and it's 

National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day

There are lots of dogs and cats that need new homes.  If you can't help by adopting, why not see if you can volunteer or donate some much needed items?

and, lastly, we can't forget about

National Bubble Tea Day

Bubble tea is the combination of tea with milk and the addition of bubbles.  The bubbles, also known as Boba, are tapioca pearls. You can get different flavored  bubbles (boba).  This might just be my day to finally give Boba tea a try! 

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