Monday, March 15, 2021

My Weird Dog

Clipping Pippen's nails is one of those chores that RT and I dread.  You see, Pippen does not enjoy getting manicures  his nails cut.   A nail clipping session requires both of us.  One is sitting on  holding Pippen (me) while the other (RT) tries to hold a paw and trim the nails.  It sounds like an easy task, but, believe me, it's a workout! A session can last 45 minutes to one hour with only a few of his nails getting trimmed and lots of calories burned for us.  I always think that we should make a video to show what really happens.  We have had witnesses (our kids).  They have even stepped in to help.

One day, after dropping Curly off at the groomer (yes, she is one of those dogs), RT came home and told me that they can cut Pippen's nails.  I said, "Go for it!"  Of course, in my mind, I'm picturing the groomer trying to pin Pippen down and clip his nails at the same time.  I also envision her quitting her line of work after trying to tend to Pippen's needs.  

When Pippen came back with nicely trimmed nails, I was quite impressed.  Apparently they have a way to keep the dog on the table, his head away from you and they grab a paw and just start snipping.  RT said she was done in minutes and didn't break a sweat.  We both agreed that it's the best $10 we have ever spent in our life.  I'm not so sure you will get the same response from Pippen.

Today is Pippen's birthday.  As an early birthday present he had his nails trimmed again last week.  That leaves today open for lots of fur snuffles, long walks, naps, treats and many more years of My Weird Dog stories.

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