Wednesday, June 17, 2020


I'm sure you have heard about the world of Karens.  Karen is a name given to a customer who is difficult and anyone who demands to speak to a manager to voice a complaint.  Karen's are mostly in retail with some in restaurants.  We get a few Karens where I work.

It's been busy at work, people are finally able to get out of their house and exercise their right to shop.  I've been working everyday, so no one is home supervising RT.  I come home one day and RT says, "I'm a Karen."  I thought, great.  Your wife works retail and tells you about all of her Karen experiences.  You should be able to recognize those behaviors as unacceptable.  I needed more information, so I asked him to explain what happened.

RT was looking out in front of our house and saw some guy taking pictures of the houses on our street.  After he turned to take a picture of our house, RT thought the guy was casing the neighborhood and decided to run outside to confront him.  By the time RT caught up with him, he was halfway down our street.  RT finds out that this guy is employed by the assessor's office and is told to take pictures of the houses so they can update their files.  RT became a little pushy because he didn't believe him.  The guy didn't have a business card, so RT told him he was going to call the assessor's office to see if he is telling the truth.

To make a short story long, the guy was telling the truth.  RT hopped on his bike to find the guy so he could apologize.  He rode around our entire neighborhood for about 20 minutes.  Unfortunately, he was unable to locate him.  He felt bad about giving the poor guy a hard time.

I leave RT alone for a few hours and he turns into a Karen!

I'm scheduled just about everyday for the next couple of weeks.  I have a feeling I'm going to be coming home to more scary stories.

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