Friday, June 26, 2020

My Weird Dog

I think it's time for another My Weird Dog episode.

Pippen is enjoying the nice weather.  He likes to hang out on the back deck.  He would love to run back and forth in the yard like a crazy dog  frolic through the yard, but he does have a tendency to destroy the grass.  Most days you can find him lounging right by the house.  At some point, he decides to sunbathe on the lower deck.  If a dog walks by, he gets psycho  excited and runs back and forth, barks, then puts his paws on the railing so he can get a better look at the intruder.  

If you sneak a peak at Pippen from the kitchen door while he is lounging, he will give you a dirty look.  He doesn't like anyone bothering him while he is sleeping  working.  

One day, while I was hanging out on the deck, I noticed Pippen walk to the edge of the deck, sniff the ground, then eat some of the bird seed on the deck.  I mentioned this to the kids and was told that he does this throughout the day.  I think he worked out some kind of deal with the birds so he can enjoy a little snack whenever he feels like it.  He doesn't chase the birds away when they are at the feeder, in turn, they drop some bird seed on the ground for him to snack on. 

Yesterday, Alex noticed that there was a lot of bird seed on the deck.  He told Pippen he had some cleaning up to do.  

*luckily, this small amount of bird seed is not harmful to dogs.  

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