Wednesday, June 24, 2020


I believe I mentioned on one of my "Quarantine" updates how RT decided that he wasn't going to wear shoes.  I'm sure everyone thought that was funny.  Ha, Ha Ha.  RT isn't going to wear shoes.

Well, it really was true.

Me:  Why are you walking around barefoot?

RT:  I told you I'm not wearing shoes.

This went on for quite awhile, until, one day...RT starts complaining that his foot hurts.  Turns out, he had a sliver in the bottom of his foot.  (That's what happens when you don't wear shoes!)

After the splinter removal, I would find him using his phone camera to take pictures of the bottom of his foot.  Nothing like walking into the family room, or, even better, while you are watching a movie, and there's RT positioning his phone so he can take a picture of the bottom of his foot.  I was wondering who was going to be the lucky recipient of these pictures?  Can you imagine receiving this via text?  It turns out, this was his way of checking the healing progress.  Unfortunately, he did not get all of the splinter out the first time, so, emergency surgery  he had to dig out the rest.  The pictures continued for a short while to make sure the foot healed properly.

I'm hoping a lesson was learned, like, maybe, wear shoes!   

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