Friday, December 4, 2015

Advent Calendar. Count down to Christmas.

We have a cloth Advent Calendar that I put up at the beginning of the season.  I bought it years ago (I think when Nick was little).  It's very simple.  Each day is stitched onto a mitten.  The mitten is attached to a larger piece of cloth and there is a crescent moon on a string that you move each day.

Everything went smoothly until Alex was old enough to move the moon.  I would let Nick move it, then move it back and let Alex move it.  Or we would have the boys take turns moving the moon (even/odd days).

Things got crazy when Bella came along.  Nothing like all three kids fighting over who gets to move the moon on the Advent Calendar.

This year I thought we were past all the fighting over the Advent Calendar.  I figured since Bella is the youngest and believes in Santa, she would be the only one interested in moving the moon.

On Monday night, Alex told me that he gets to move the moon since he's the first one up in the morning (he catches the bus at 6:30 am).

No one noticed the first day.

Nick was upset the second day.  He said it was his birthday and he should be the one moving the moon that day.

Bella complained that she never gets to move the moon.  She decided to take action.

Things heated up on Day 3.

That's duct tape covering the mitten

So, yea, I guess you could say that our Advent Calendar / Christmas Countdown is off to a normal good start.

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