Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Am I the only person who has not done their own taxes?

You read that right.  I have never done my taxes.  When I was single, my brother did them for me.  Hey, that's what he does for a living (sort of).  < And he didn't seem to mind doing them for me.  I was looking out for him.  It was good practice.  When I got married, RT did our taxes.  He didn't mind doing them, so, I figured I would let him.

Well, I thought RT didn't mind doing them.

RT has never said anything about them (except that he hates doing them).  This year, after 20 years, he says that he hates doing the taxes and that maybe I should do them.  I said I'm not sure if I would know how to do them.  That's when &$*# hit the fan and I got an ear full of how I'm old enough and I should know how to do them and blah-blah-blah....

Somehow I let that argument settle and die out.  (meaning:  I waited a week)

When the air was clear and there were no signs of remnants of the last blow out conversation, I asked RT if he did our state taxes. 

I figure that buys me another 365 days to figure out how I can get out of doing them next year.

I am taking any and all suggestions starting now.

1 comment:

  1. You've never had to do your taxes?!! You lucky dog!! I say we all stop doing our taxes. That's it: tell him you don't like how the government is using your money, so you're no longer going to pay your income tax. Civil disobedience.
