Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Car Dealer

I had to take the Ghetto Van in to the dealer for a recall.  Yea.  The van is eight years old and they are still doing recalls.  (not one, but three recalls!)

It's so hard to trust or believe anyone that works in the dealership.  I wonder if they are telling me the truth.  And, why was I told on the phone that there was only one recall?

The waiting room holds a cast of characters.  Most people stare at their phone.  Others act like they are interested in the TV show (Rachel Ray).  Others are amusing themselves by writing blog posts.  < Oh, wait!  That's me!  Hi!

I think they should add a walking track to their waiting room.  Hey, if I have to wait around for two hours, why not get some exercise? 

Something good should come out of all of this waiting (and not boring blog posts!)