Monday, April 14, 2014

Strange Emails

Lately I have been getting some odd emails.

Well, I do get the strange SPAM emails.  You know, the ones telling you you about products to use to make "it" bigger.  I'm not sure why I'm getting those.  I'm not a guy.  Unless I'm supposed to tell a guy about the product?

Then there are the ones from a girl who is "saying hello."  Or that she wants to see me.  Why is she saying hello to me?  I have no idea who she is!  And why does she want to see me?  I know I don't want to see her!  (if it is a her)

I know.  I know.  They're SPAM.  I'm just amused by them.

Recently I received an email that was titled :  All my children.  It gave a few words about a family reunion that is happening on Easter and where will everyone be on that day.  I don't know any of the other people on the list and am not sure how I got into their family emails.  I'm tempted to respond and say that I'm coming out to visit.

Or maybe I can get one of the "women" who want to see me to go see this family?

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