Thursday, October 10, 2013

Canadian Penny

I haven't been to Canada recently and am wondering how I have two Canadian pennies in my wallet?  It started out as one Canadian penny and when I looked today there was a second one.  I think they are multiplying.

The funny thing is, stores (well, at least stores here in the Midwest) will not accept Canadian pennies when you use them to pay for purchases. 

Now, how did I get these in the first place?  I'm sure they were given to me when I bought something at a store. 

So, it's okay if the store hands the Canadian pennies out to their customers but, they can not accept them as payment for merchandise from their store?

In the meantime, they are sitting in my wallet. 


I might have to plan a trip to Canada just to spend some money.

1 comment:

  1. It's easy to overlook a Canadian penny, since they look so much like an American penny. I think they're worth a little more now, too.
