Friday, August 3, 2012

Penninsula State Park, Ephraim, WI

Sometimes I think my children complain just to drive me crazy.
Getting ready to go on a hike and each one of them had something to complain about. 
"I don't want to wear those shoes."
"I don't want to go on a hike."
"I don't want to hike there."
"I don't want to get ready to go."
As we were walking to the car I said, "We are going to go on the longest trail just so I can continue to hear all of you complain!"
They all seemed pretty excited about that.  (I know how to please them)
Here are some pictures of our hike through Peninsula State Park in Ephraim, WI.
I'll try to just put up a few pictures.
Alex noticed that the trail we took was a "difficult" trail.  "Maybe we shouldn't be on this one?"  I had to remind him of my earlier comment.  They all said they would make sure they complain. 
Aren't they sweet?

more tangled tree pictures

Alex in his cave

Bella in her cave

Nick found a big stick to poke Bella
let the loud complaining begin

posing along a rocky beach

if you look closely at this next picture you will see RT

we didn't see a lot of wildlife because the kids were a little loud
I can't include Nick in that last statement.  Alex and Bella are the loud ones, and probably scared all wildlife within a 50 mile radius.

The kids (again, Alex and Bella) think going on a hike is a race to the finish. Running along (the rocky) path trying to get to the end of the trail and missing all of the beauty along it.  Unless, of course, it's trying to stuff Bella into a tree stump or get her to climb into a dark cave
(luckily they noticed a few things)
All were anxious to reach the end of the trail and get into an air conditioned van.

The ride back was nice and quiet. 

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