Sunday, August 12, 2012

Give him the wave

Driving back home from a zoo visit during rush hour traffic (always a fun time to be on the road) I started thinking.  (a scary thought, I know) 
I was being a patient driver and letting people move into the lane I was in.  When I moved into a lane, I gave the other driver a wave.  Bella was in the back and asked who I waved to and why.  I replied that it is just a common courtesy to wave to someone who let you move into their lane ahead of them, a way to say thank you. 
After saying this, I noticed that other drivers don't "give you the wave." 
Is this something that is taught? 
Maybe it's just me, I'm the only one who waves to other people. 
Maybe I was just around a bunch of rude people who never say thank you?
Or, maybe it was just rush hour traffic and everyone was crabby and just wanted to get home.


  1. Or maybe everyone was thinking... "who's this crazy woman who waves at everyone?"

  2. At least you're not getting the finger.

    Brian Regan talks about getting a pinky wave in "Standing Up". If you haven't watched it, you should. It's really funny.
