Sunday, August 26, 2012

Meet Pippen

I know what you're thinking.  "Here we go, the crazy lady and another one of her carpenter ant pets."  
Hey, Arthur was.....different.  Special.  I think he might have gotten into some ant poison or something that made him crazy (lost, confused).  I felt bad because the last 12 hours of his life he spent walking around in circles.  I wonder how far he would have walked if he was walking in a straight line?  (maybe to Tennessee?)
Well, he's gone.
This Pippen guy is different. 
He's really cute.
Very loveable.
Take a look.
He looks a little scared in this picture
When I take a picture, he walks toward me.
I have to sneak in a picture when I can
Pippen is a rescued pup from Joplin, MO.  He has been in Illinois for about a week now.  We don't know much about his past (he's about 5 months old).  He gets a little scared when he hears loud sounds and he doesn't like cars.  Well, he doesn't mind once he is in the car, but, walking by or near a car scares him.
on the car ride home
Newton was not a happy camper in the car.  Of course it didn't help that I had Pippen in my lap.  (Newton is a Momma's boy)  Newton is trying to get used to his new sibling.  It might be a long process. 
Holding Pippen on the way home

Alex and Bella have been helping a lot with Pippen.  It's good to see them playing with him and trying to train him.  Bella is really lovin' the puppy.  I think he's going to be her puppy.
Kisses from Pippen

We thought Pippen would help keep Newton young.  Getting him to run around a little more.  Right now, Newton is ignoring Pippen (which is normal) and Pippen is giving us all a good workout.  He's pretty skinny and can fit through the slats of our fence.  He has escaped a few times.  Luckily we have a camera out there so we can keep an eye on him.  We've had to run out there and get him.  (I should say, RT has had to run out there)  At least someone is getting exercise.  (RT has now fixed it so Pippen can not squeeze through) 
So, that's the craziness that's happening over here.  It's hard when you haven't had a puppy for awhile (Newton is 10). It's like having a baby.  Luckily this one sleeps through the night.  
I'm sure things will settle down. 
I hope.
A girl and her puppy
(my favorite picture)

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