Thursday, January 28, 2021

Pill Box

 I believe I have reached that age where I understand the need for the weekly divided pill box containers.

I have been working the early shift at work for the last couple of months and have learned how to streamline my morning routine. I have my routine down to 30 minutes.  That thirty minutes includes:  getting dressed, eating breakfast, grabbing my water bottle and a snack, putting on my coat, grabbing my purse and keys and then hopping into the car.  And, before the questions start rolling in, normally, I get up early (6 or 7am).  My work schedule has me getting up at 4 or 5 am.  That's a little early for me.

The first few days of this early schedule, I forgot to take my vitamins.  So, I started putting them in a container and placing it on the counter.  In the morning, I had no excuse for not taking my vitamins.  They were right there.  And, it didn't add on any extra time to my morning routine!   Now, I don't plan on running out and purchasing a pill box, but, I do understand the need for these containers.  This is how I began my newfound appreciation for the pill container. 

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