Friday, July 5, 2019

Hey, Girl!

Another pet peeve.

I received a text from a friend the other day and it started out with, "Hey, Girl!"  This "friend" isn't a close friend.  More like an acquaintance.  Someone I haven't texted or called in, oh, maybe 8-10 years?  The text was inviting me to an event.  I think she was just scrolling through her contacts on her phone and sending messages to everyone.

I understand she wants a huge turn out for her event, but, starting off the text with "Hey, Girl!"  does not make it very personal.  It makes me think she forgot my name, even though it's in her contacts on her phone.

If you really want to make a person feel special and you are copying a text and sending it to hundreds of people, take the extra few minutes and personalize the text.  Drop the person's name in the text so they feel special.  So they feel like you are thinking of them and that you really want them to attend your event.

OK.  I'll get off my soap box now.

What little things drive you crazy?

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