Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Driving Around Town in My Car and Drinking Tea

I don't know how many of you have heard of the show, "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee."  Jerry Seinfeld is the host of the show.  He drives a cool, antique car and picks up his guest, usually another comedian, and they go for coffee.  Thus the name of the show, "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee."  You can find the show on Netflix.  You could also search for it on YouTube.

I've watched quite a few episodes.  Some of the episodes are rather amusing and some are just OK.

One day, while driving around town running some errands, Bella said, "Welcome to Mom and Bella, driving around town and drinking tea."

Apparently, we have a camera crew in the back seat.  They even follow us when we get out of the car.  Sometimes we have to wait for them (they can be quite slow).  And, then there are the times we have to stop and show the camera what we are talking about.  You will have to see the trailer.  I'm sure the show will be out on Netflix really soon.

I have to admit, it makes running errands a lot more enjoyable.  It also beats having to run errands with a crabby teenager!

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