Friday, May 11, 2018

Can Opener

My "Hot Tip" for you today is to buy stock in Can Openers.

We started out our marriage with one can opener.  It was a decent can opener and had a long life.  I'm glad I didn't get too emotionally attached to it.  You see, It met it's demise when my children started learning how to use them.

A manual can opener is not very difficult to use.

Put the two gears on the can lid 

squeeze the handles until you hear a "pop" 

and start cranking.

Enter my children.

When they were little, maybe their little hands couldn't quite squeeze the handles.  They "usually" asked for help at this age.  Or, they just went ahead and tried to open the can which led to an unopened can and a broken can opener.

For awhile, I kept an extra can opener hidden, just in case this happened.  Eventually, that extra can opener became "the" can opener, and then, well, may it rest in peace....

We had one of those electric can openers that you placed on the lid and it did it's thing, cutting the can on the side, so you don't cut your hand.  That one lasted for awhile, until....well, I'm sure you can guess what happened.

RT and I were at a baseball game when I got the urgent text from Bella.


Another one bites the dust.

Nick did put it back together for me.  And, I bought a backup, because we know it's only a matter of time...

When you make your millions from my stock tip, I hope you remember me and, maybe you can buy me a can opener or three?

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