Wednesday, September 20, 2017

My Weird Dog

Took Pippen for a walk.

I'm sure I've mentioned how Pippen is not dog friendly.  I guess a nice translation would be, he wants to eat other dogs.  That's a lot better than, he wants to rip other dogs to shreds.

To answer your next question, he is a people person and is actually afraid of a lot of things.  He's quite odd, that's why I have these, "My Weird Dog," posts.

Back to our walk.

Normally, I make Pippen walk in the grass with me, and as we pass the dog, I say, "No.  Walk.  No.  Walk."

On this particular walk, a dog, on the other side of the street, came running through the fence (it's a very open fence, where the dog can climb under the board that goes across) and runs into the street and up to the grass and stops.  We are standing on the path next to that patch of grass.

All I can think is, this is it.  It's going to be a huge dog fight and someone is going to make me put my dog down (yea, I thought he would win this one).  So, I start saying, "No!"  over and over.  I'm so loud, hoping  one of the neighbors hears me and comes out and helps.  Although, I'm not sure many people would want to be a part of a potential dog fight.

The dog was growling at first, but, once I started (yelling) "No!" he looked at me and stopped.  After about four hours ten minutes, the owner came outside and realized I was telling his dog (but, really, my dog), "No!"  He called his dog back home and I barely got a "sorry," from the guy.

I was pretty proud of Pippen.  He didn't pull me or try to attack the dog.  He did stand between me and the dog.  He probably thought he had to protect me.  I think he knows if he misbehaves, he won't go for a walk with me for a long time.  Honestly, I don't think I could blame him if he attacked the other dog.

We survived the "almost dog attack," and are now very careful when we walk near that house.

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