Monday, July 10, 2017

Homemade Hot Process Soap - Lavender and Tangerine

I got this recipe off Wiki-How.  They have pictures and a great tutorial.  Check it out!  I also used the step by steps from here .  Wellness Mama has great tips and great instructions on how to make soap.  Check out her site for tips and recipes.

I used a silicone loaf mold (I already had this on hand...I used it the last time that I attempted making soap....remember?) I had all of the other ingredients.  Always wear eye protection and long sleeves when dealing with lye.  Make sure there are no animals or children present when working with lye.  Make sure you have some white vinegar on hand for any mishaps with the lye.  I pour it on everything when I'm done (before I start to clean everything)  For a list of all the items that you need to make soap, check out Wiki-How or Wellness Mama.

Here is the recipe from Wellness Mama:

Soap Ingredients:
16oz Coconut Oil
16 Oz Olive Oil
.64 oz Shea Butter
12oz purified Water
4.80 oz Lye
1 oz fragrance (I used lavender and tangerine oils)

Let's get started!
  1. Measure the oils in liquid form (by weight) and pour into the slow cooker. Turn on high just until oils heat up and then reduce to low heat.
  2. While oils are heating, carefully measure the lye and water separately. TIP: This is the only thing I ever use disposable plastic cups for. They don’t weigh anything on the scale so they make measuring easy and I keep three separate cups labeled:
  3. Water, Lye and Oil to use for this purpose only. I reuse them each time so they aren’t wasted and I don’t worry about anyone drinking out of them since we don’t usually use these types of cups.
  4. Carefully take the cups with the water and the lye outside or to a well ventilated area. Pour the water into a quart size or larger glass jar. With gloves and eye protection, slowly add the lye to the water. DO NOT ADD THE WATER TO THE LYE (this is really important). Stir carefully with a metal spoon, making sure not to let the liquid come in contact with your body directly.
  5. As you stir, this will create a cloudy white mixture that gets really hot. Let this mixture set for about 10 minutes to cool. It should become clear and not cloudy when it has cooled.
  6. When the oils in the crockpot have heated (to about 120-130 degrees F), slowly pour in the water and lye mixture and stir.
  7. Quickly rinse the container used for the water and lye mixture out in the sink. I rinse well and then re-rinse with white vinegar to make sure all Lye has been neutralized.
  8. Use the metal or wooden spoon to stir the lye/water mixture into the oil mixture in the crockpot. Once it is evenly mixed, use the stick blender to blend for about 4-5 minutes or until it is opaque and starting to thicken.
  9. Cover and keep on low heat to thicken. I set a timer for 15 minutes and check it every 15 minutes until it is ready. It will start to boil and bubble on the sides first. After about 35-55 minutes (depending on crock pot) it will thicken enough that the entire surface is bubbly and the sides have collapsed in.
  10. At this point, turn the heat off and remove the crock. If you are going to use essential oils for scent, add them now. I added lavender and orange.
  11. Quickly and carefully spoon into molds. I’ve often heard of people using empty 
  12. Cover the molds with parchment paper and set in a cool, dry place.
  13. After 24 hours, pop the soap out of the molds. It can be used right away, but I prefer to let it set for a few more days so that it lasts longer. (I'm going to let mine cure for a few weeks to make sure they harden)

Clean-up Tips

Keep separate tools for soap making simplifies the process since things don’t have to be cleaned enough for food use. I still clean all tools carefully with dishwashing soap and water and rinse with vinegar just to be sure.

  • My soap is curing as we speak.  I'll let you know how this one comes out.  Keep your fingers crossed!

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