Friday, October 28, 2016

Is it Cancelled?

Maybe it's plans to go to a friends or family member's house for a party.

Maybe it's just a school day.

A trip downtown to a museum.

Maybe we just planned to go out to dinner.

Then, the weather hits.



And, then the questions.

"Are we still going?"

"Is it cancelled?"

I think it started with the school district canceling school due to the weather.  Normally, our school cancels classes due to extreme temperatures (below 0F) or a snow storm.  There was that one day they cancelled school because of an impending snow storm.  The storm didn't start until 3 or 4:00 pm (so, the kids could have gone to school and made it back home).  Then there are the times where they cancel due to extreme temperatures (below 0F) because they don't want the kids to wait outside for the bus in those temperatures.  The next day, the weather is the same, but they don't cancel school.

It can be very confusing.

The other day we had plans to visit a college.  The visit included a walking tour.  Of course, it was drizzling that morning.  The first words out of Alex's mouth when he saw me, "Is it cancelled?"

Me:  Why would it be cancelled?''

A: Well, it's raining and we are going to be walking outside.

Me:  Wear a hoodie or bring an umbrella.

I'm trying to drill it into them that life goes on, even when there's bad weather.

Hopefully it sinks in.

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