Sunday, July 6, 2014

Eating Healthy

I'm not sure where to start on this post. I guess I will just start typing and hope for the best.

Honey, you might want to skip this post. It isn't going to be very exciting. Your time is better spent elsewhere.*

*in other words, Stop reading this now. 

Ok, where to begin?  

Today we went to the library. We = RT, Bella and I. Before we left home, I mentioned how I wanted to stop and pick up a watermelon on the way home. When we got to the library, as we are walking in, RT says he wants to pick up some healthy food because we have nothing healthy to eat in our house. 

(Screeching record sound)


Yes, I typed that correctly.

We don't have anything healthy to eat in the house. 

Let me give you a little background in case you are new here. 

I'm a vegetarian. I try to limit the processed foods that we have in our house. There are some (processed foods) I buy for the kids (Nick claims he is thin because I never buy food). Our refrigerator has fruit and vegetables (among other things). The pantry has quite a bit of options. Lets just say that we have food and most of it is healthy. 

After our time at the library we went to the grocery store (where Nick works) to buy a watermelon for me and healthy food for RT (because, according to RT, we have no healthy options at home). 

I mentioned the strawberries we have and was met with something like I can't eat that many strawberries.  Oh. One more thing. If I don't point out that we have fruit, RT says I'm hiding it. I have some on the counter and one of the (clear) drawers in the refrigerator is for fruit. I'm thinking of installing a huge lite up neon sign pointing to the fruit area of our refrigerator. I'm still not sure if he would see it. 

I told Nick we why we were there (at the grocery store).  His reply, "We have no food to eat at home."  

Thanks for the help, kid. 

RT picks out some cantaloupe, honeydew melons, apricots and plums. I picked up some peaches, avocados and tomatoes. Oh, I also picked up some yogurt (fruit with a dab of yogurt makes a great dessert).   I also had a talk with him about his purchases. I stressed that I didn't want to be the only one eating all of this fruit by myself (well, Bella would help). Can you tell this has happened before?

We pay and get our groceries home. I start putting them away and start making 

Salsa. (Healthy or unhealthy?) Meanwhile, RT complains how he is hungry and grabs a bag of pretzels out of the pantry.  I yell, 

 "You better put those back right now!  Do not eat any of those pretzels!"

RT:  why not?  

Me:  We just went to the store and bought all of this fruit because you said you wanted to eat something healthy and here you are grabbing a bag of pretzels!

RT:  Pretzels are healthy. 


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