Monday, April 30, 2012

Barbie Mania

I went to visit my mom the other day and she brought out a box full of Barbie stuff from my childhood.  I keep trying to explain to Bella that I had one Barbie and that she was a hand-me-down Barbie (she belonged to one of my cousins).  I didn't have a lot of Barbie clothes.  And a lot of the clothes were handmade (by my grandmothers).  You can tell the year I grew up in by some of the clothes.  I think they are kind of cool and retro.

Barbie Explosion
There's my barbie to the left and the original Ken.  They once belonged to my cousin.  The Ken with the dark hair was a gift.  He's the Ken from the '70s.  For some reason he is missing a leg.  RT said that he can be the Ken that came back from the war.  Bella likes him better than the original Ken (me too).  She said the original Ken is scary.  (I'll have to agree with her on that one)  The doll to the right, I'm not sure about that one.  She is SUPER tall and you can switch her hair from blond to brunette by moving her hairline.  The brunette side doesn't stay down very well, so she is better off being a blond.  Bella commented on the doll's bathing suit.  She asked if the doll had any other clothes.  I said that's all she came with, just her bathing suit.  Bella said that the bathing suit is a little small on her (it's low cut).  Hopefully Bella will think that way for a LONG time.  :)

I'm lovin' the orange bell bottoms and the fringe top (it's velour, too!)  Far out!
Nice brown and orange dress, too! (It has a brown matching purse)
Barbie's long gold gown (one of my favorites when I was little)
And that's supposed to be a white leather coat
Barbie is so fashionable!

And some of the hand made clothing that I had that my grandmother's made (I think)
(there are a lot more pieces, I just thought I would show some of them)
That pink and white dress to the bottom right is a tube dress.  Hey, it was the '70's! 
The yellow on the lower right is pajamas.  They are REAL short, but, I think most of Barbie's clothes are short these days.  The red jacket is corduroy.

My kitchen (that brown thing is the stove/oven)
Boy does Barbie's kitchen need a makeover.  Maybe she can be on one of those home shows?
(yes, that's just a piece of card board)

Barbie and Ken sitting at the kitchen table
Your digging Barbie's bell bottoms, I just know it!  And Ken's corduroys, too.

The table and chairs are just tubes and look at those cushions!
The red material in the background are napkins (they match the seat custions)

Here is my card board furniture.  The two long pieces are couch cushions.  I don't have the rest of the couch.  And I love the tea cart.  They are made to look like wicker.  Very Fashionable!

And what is a cool home with out a radio and turn table?  (again, this is all card board)
Bella said she knew what they were.  I'm not totally convinced.  I should make some albums to go with the set.

For gettin' around town.  An ATV? 
Love the big flowers on it!  And that orange color!

And my most prized posession.  My Farrah doll.  Bella already knows that this one she can't play with, but, can look at.  Look at that hair? 

The gold around her neck and wrists are bracelets that I made from rings that are put on the boubonnetas at weddings.  I realize that's a Greek word and I'm not sure how to spell it.  I am sure you don't know how to pronounce it.  Here it is phonetically:  Boo-bon-yet-uhs .  Let's all say it together now, shall we?  Boo-bon-yet-uhs.  Great!

That's all for now.  Bella and I were playing Barbies for quite awhile.  The clothes all need to be handwashed.  They are REALLY dusty.  They have been sitting in a cardboard box in my parent's basement for quite a few years.  We'll take the time to freshen things up and maybe check in later.  Maybe my mom will find more treasures!