Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ghetto Van

That's what we call my van.  It got the name because we have had so many problems with the rear sliding back doors.  It has been in the shop 3 times for the same door.  What happens?  The door doesn't completely latch.  So, while driving, the door (back, passenger side) will start sliding open.  If you slam on the brake, the door slams shut.  It's fun driving down a busy street.  The door starts opening, people stare and start pointing, you wave, then slam on the brake and the door closes.  (a little side note:  the door has been fixed, again, but, the name sticks) Oh, one more thing.  When there is a door open, there is a beeping sound.  So, when we had that problem, you would hear the beeping sound the entire time you were driving.  If I called RT from the car, he could hear the beeping before I said hello.  I think that door should be painted a different color.  It was great because if someone was walking down the street, you could just slow down and they could jump in.  Very convenient.

Well, today, the ghetto van does not start.  RT took the boys to the car show and Bella and I were at home.  We were planning on going to the library and found out that we are now stranded at home.  Better at home then somewhere else, right?  At least we didn't have to walk home from the library (which is on the other side of town)  Bella decided to read to me to cheer me up because I looked like this:

I didn't really look like that.  Well, maybe I did?  Who knows?

Bella wouldn't let me record her reading.  I'm hoping she will one day.  I find it fascinating.

The rest of our day consisted of painting our nails

brushing Newton, taking Newton for a walk, playing at the park, lots and lots of laundry (I was cleaning this morning, and washed a few carpets, rags and towels and Newton's blankets), making cookies

bubble bath for Bella and Toy Story 2.  Action packed, stay at home day.  Time for bed. 

Hope we can get the ghetto van up and running soon.   

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