Friday, July 17, 2020

Stay Safe

We have all heard those words.  For the last three months, just about everyone has either uttered those words or heard someone tell them to "stay safe."  

It started with the quarantine order.

Stay home.
Stay Safe.

Once in awhile, they would add:

Stay healthy.
Save Lives.

I understand the, "stay home," part, but, "Stay Safe?"  Do you think I'm going to run around with pointy objects because I'm now in my home without any supervision?  If you don't remind me to stay safe, will I forget and do something stupid?  What if I'm not safe when you tell me this, do I continue on as I normally would, even though it might not be safe or in a safe manner?  And, most importantly, do people need to be told to be safe?  Isn't safe something that people want to be every day?  Are we that forgetful that we need to be reminded every minute of every day?  "Oh, I was going to do something reckless, but the person on television told me to, "Stay Safe," 

I wrote this while I was on break at work.  When I got back to the register, I had a customer who told me how grateful she was that we were here.  I figured she meant the location of the store.  She continued, "I'm so glad you are here.  I'm glad that you came to work today."  

Me:  Oh.  Thank you.

Customer:  Thank you for putting your life on the line.  

Me, not sure what to say:  You're welcome.

Customer, as she was leaving the register:  Thank you and stay safe.

Me:  OK.  I will.

Customer:  No, really.  Stay safe!

And, guess what?

My thoughts of running around the store with a pair of scissors instantly disappeared!

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