Wednesday, July 15, 2020


I walked out of my bedroom and heard talking coming from the kid's bathroom.  I peeked in and saw both Alex and Bella in the bathroom looking on the floor by the toilet.  When I asked what was going on, I was told that they were trying to kill a spider.

First, a little background.

When I had boys, I thought that they would be OK with killing spiders for me.  I mean, they are boys, right?  Instead, I had one child who liked animals and would not kill the spider and the other child who was absolutely terrified of spiders.   So much for that idea.

Time passes and Bella joins the family.  She likes animals but seems to have no problem killing spiders.  In fact,  one night I hear, "Bella, can you come and kill a spider?" And Bella responds, "I'll be right there."  I asked what was going on and it turns out that Alex had Bella killing spiders for him.  If you haven't figured it out by now, he is the one that screams like a girl when he sees a spider.  The funny thing is, Bella didn't mind doing it.  She would leave her room and go into Alex's bedroom just to kill a spider for him.  She would then leave the room and tell him that she killed it (he would be waiting in the hallway).  Of course, this situation did not last very long.  Bella got tired of having to drop everything and save her brother's life  and kill a spider for her brother. 
Back to the story.  

Once again, Bella was the one hired to murder  in charge of the spider's fate.  Alex told me that they have an agreement and that they take turns killing the spiders they find in the bathroom.  Bella responded, "It seems like it's always my turn to kill the spider!"

I guess if it works for them, I'm not going to get in the middle of their agreement.

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