Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Karen Stories

I thought I would amuse everyone with another Karen story from my daily retail life.

I get to experience real life Karens every day and I thought it would be fun to share my experiences with you, because, why should I keep these gems all to myself?  

So, sometimes the customer is crabby and wants to speak to a manager.  I think there is a better word out there for the word crabby.  I can't think of it, can you?  And, well, sometimes the customer is just, well?  There really isn't a nice way to put it.  Sometimes, the customer is just ....  a psycho!

Remember, this is soon after the end of quarantine, when we re-opened the store back in the beginning of June.  So, these customers have been cooped up for almost three months with little to no social interaction.  Scary, right?  

By the way, feel free to comment on this (and all other Karen) posts.  I would love to hear your reaction!

OK.  Here we go!

I had a customer who was returning bear spray.  We have outdoor gear and bear spray is used by campers and hikers.  It's pretty strong and, well, used on bears.  Thus the name....bear spray.  Well, this customer told me that he purchased the bear spray so he could use it on people.  

Now, remember, it's bear spray.  It's specifically made for bears.  That is why it's called bear spray.  

The customer told me that he called the police and asked them if he could use the bear spray on people.  The police told him not to use it on people and that he could be sued.  He really wanted to use the bear spray so that he could, "Spray people dead."  Since he found out that he can't do that, spray people dead, he has to return the spray.  

I don't think that three months in quarantine was enough for this guy.  He could probably just stay in quarantine for a really long time.  

I know I wouldn't want to get on Bear Spray guys bad side.  Would you?

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