Sunday, March 6, 2022

National Weeks

 This year I am posting about the fun National Weeks throughout the year.  This week, there are several to be celebrated so let's get started.

International Women's Week

One day is not enough to celebrate us women so we decided to take the entire week (oh, and the entire month of March, too).   The week is set aside to celebrate the social, economical, cultural and political achievements of women.  Looking for a way to celebrate this week?  How about donating time or skills to a local women's shelter.  How about helping/empowering some young Girl Scouts (it's not too late to buy some Girl Scout cookies)?  Because, it is also...

National Girl Scout Week

Girl Scout week is always celebrated around Girl Scout Day, the anniversary of the very first Girl Scout Troop meeting that took place on March 12, 1912.  The troop consisted of 18 girls and was considered a big deal.  The girls were able to get out and experience outdoors adventures and develop resourcefulness.  Hiking, camping, basketball and horseback riding are some of the activities.  This was an organization run by women for women and girls.  Remember, this was a time before women had the right to vote.  Today, 110 years later, there are over 10 million members in over 146 countries.  How can you celebrate the day?  Learn a little more about Juliette Gordon Lowe (the Girl Scout founder).  Or, even better, help out by purchasing a box of cookies from your favorite Girl Scout.

I was putting this one off until the last possible moment.  I can't believe it's here already!  I'm not even prepared!  You see, it's also

National Procrastination Week

This week is celebrated the first two weeks in March, or "whenever it's convenient."  I can see this holiday getting pushed off until later.   The goal of this holiday is to put off any necessary tasks until later.  This is supposed to give everyone a little break (or create even more procrastinators in the world).  This holiday does not give the green light to laziness, though.  This is to lighten your load a little so you can indulge in some of those fun activities you save for later (reading, cooking, exercising).  I do have to note that one of the items suggested as a "fun activity" was cleaning.  I would like to add that to my procrastination list (Who sees cleaning as fun?  You people need to get out more!)

Have fun this week!

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