Saturday, March 26, 2022

Open Communication

 I try to have an open communication relationship with my children.  When they have a question, they know that I will give them an answer.  If I don't know the answer, well, then I will find out.  Maybe have them help me do some research.  This worked out very nicely when they were younger and were asking all of those tricky sensitive interesting questions.  During the teenage years, this sense of openness is helpful so you can find out what's going on with them and their friends.   I thought this was a great start and would keep our lines of communication open.

Now, open communication and sharing is great between parents and their children, but there are some things that should just be kept to yourself.  I don't need a play by play of your day (although I do have one child that lives to tell me every single detail of the day).  A highlight reel, for me from this child, would be a lot better than a minute by minute recount of the day.  Then there is the over sharer (a different child).  This is the one that relays stories, happenings or situations that you, as a parent, should be excluded.  These are stories that you know probably happened or are happening but you choose to pretend that they don't exist.  And, finally, there is the one that is a special agent that is in charge of confidential undercover operations.  You really have to work hard to extract  get any information from this one.  If you are persistent and sit them down in a dark room with a bright light shining in their face have the proper questions and are able to rephrase them multiple times (basically a law degree) then you can obtain the evidence  you can have a great conversation.

They are no longer little children, but I'm glad the communication lines are still open.  

How do your children communicate with you?  

Do you have an over-sharer or a day detailer?

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